Get Current URL using PHP

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The other day I was writing a script where I was required to consume the current webpage url for in the services I was writing. PHP Server variable is quiet handy for such scenarios as it provide all the parameters passed through the server. Though direct information about the current […]

How to use Smarty variables in Javascript Code

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Smarty is a template engine for PHP that facilitates a managable way to separate application logic and content from its presentation. This is mostly used in industrial architecture following MVC (Model View Controller) architecture. The application data that contain no information about how they will be presented. They are passed […]

Difference between INT(1) vs TINYINT(1) in MySQL

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The other day while designing a database schema i was suggested to use Tinyint instead of int. Tinyint, never ever used in SQL. So i digged a bit about this datatype. Later i thought probably i can use INT(1) for declaring the database field rather than TINYINT(1) as both might […]

Indexing documents in Solr with custom fields

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A lot of time i spent this weekend for indexing documents into Solr. And i was really unhappy with the community support provided by Apache mailing list. I believe Apache has some really nice software packages and frameworks that are very useful for developers and enterprises, but it all boils […]

Installing Solr over Windows

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In the last post, i covered how to troubleshoot Xampp port error for configuring Tomcat Apche Server on Windows. In this post i would be covering on How to install Solr on Windows. Solr is an open source enterprise search platform from the Apache Lucene project written in Java. Its […]

log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly

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Recently I was trying to implement logger concept in my java application. While executing the java program I encountered an Exception: log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (Log4jTest.Test). log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. To fix this issue you need to create a "" file and add […]

Windows 7 for Java Programmers

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Specifically if you are a new Java programmer or a new Java programmer on Windows 7, you will probably need to set up an environment first for Java. Alternatively though you may need tools like Eclipse, but to go in hard code Geek way, here is what you need to […]