It is very common that we have hyperlink that redirects to mailbox of
a person, on many a webpages.Say you have a website for Transport,the
admin must have given a hotlink that when clicked redirects to mail of
that person.Till now the default client for opening a webmail from the
browser was Outlook only.Using some external application like yattach
or gattach could have changed the things as well or changing setting
in Internet options.But for laymen it wasnt a very easy and
comfortable aspect.
With tha Firefox 3.5 the feature which has been embedded in the
browser is that whenever we click on mail hyperlink there pops a
window with options to choose the mail client for the operation
concerned.You can choose from Outlook,Gmail,Yahoomail or you can
choose some other application for mail operations.
Nice Feature i must say.

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