After you install Oracle 10g on your Windows Machine, and if you have chosen by default create a database set, you may require privileges to access that database. The credentials for accessing the database are generally SYSTEM/<password> you entered while installation.

[Edit: On a tip by Sathya Bhatt]

Though SYSTEM schema is meant more as an administrative schema & not recommended to be used by most people.

Oracle used the schema SCOTT for many years which are inadequate to show even the most basic features of Oracle Database and
other Oracle products with advances in Oracle Database technology. As a result, many other schemas have been created over the years. Other default Oracle database schemas included are:

1. A simple schema (Human Resources, HR) is useful for introducing basic topics. An extension to this schema supports Oracle Internet Directory demos.
2. A second schema (Order Entry, OE) is useful for dealing with matters of intermediate complexity. Many datatypes are available in this schema, including nonscalar datatypes.
3. The Online Catalog (OC) subschema is a collection of object-relational database objects built inside the OE schema.
4. The Product Media schema (PM) is dedicated to multimedia datatypes.
5. A set of schemas gathered under the main schema name IX (Information Exchange) can demonstrate Oracle Advanced Queuing capabilities.
6. The Sales History schema (SH) is designed to allow for demos with large amounts of data. An extension to this schema provides support for advanced analytic processing.

You may use SYSTEM schema has few tables already defined and described which may be used by a novice as well as an expert user for testing and development purposes. Below is a listing of the Oracle system tables that are commonly used.

SYSTEM schema has few tables already defined and described which may be used by a novice as well as an expert user for testing and development purposes. Below is a listing of the Oracle system tables that are commonly used.

System Table Description
ALL_ARGUMENTS Arguments in object accessible to the user
ALL_CATALOG All tables, views, synonyms, sequences accessible to the user
ALL_COL_COMMENTS Comments on columns of accessible tables and views
ALL_CONSTRAINTS Constraint definitions on accessible tables
ALL_CONS_COLUMNS Information about accessible columns in constraint definitions
ALL_DB_LINKS Database links accessible to the user
ALL_ERRORS Current errors on stored objects that user is allowed to create
ALL_INDEXES Descriptions of indexes on tables accessible to the user
ALL_IND_COLUMNS COLUMNs comprising INDEXes on accessible TABLES
ALL_LOBS Description of LOBs contained in tables accessible to the user
ALL_OBJECTS Objects accessible to the user
ALL_OBJECT_TABLES Description of all object tables accessible to the user
ALL_SEQUENCES Description of SEQUENCEs accessible to the user
ALL_SNAPSHOTS Snapshots the user can access
ALL_SOURCE Current source on stored objects that user is allowed to create
ALL_SYNONYMS All synonyms accessible to the user
ALL_TABLES Description of relational tables accessible to the user
ALL_TAB_COLUMNS Columns of user’s tables, views and clusters
ALL_TAB_COL_STATISTICS Columns of user’s tables, views and clusters
ALL_TAB_COMMENTS Comments on tables and views accessible to the user
ALL_TRIGGERS Triggers accessible to the current user
ALL_TRIGGER_COLS Column usage in user’s triggers or in triggers on user’s tables
ALL_TYPES Description of types accessible to the user
ALL_UPDATABLE_COLUMNS Description of all updatable columns
ALL_USERS Information about all users of the database
ALL_VIEWS Description of views accessible to the user
DATABASE_COMPATIBLE_LEVEL Database compatible parameter set via init.ora
DBA_DB_LINKS All database links in the database
DBA_ERRORS Current errors on all stored objects in the database
DBA_OBJECTS All objects in the database
DBA_ROLES All Roles which exist in the database
DBA_ROLE_PRIVS Roles granted to users and roles
DBA_SOURCE Source of all stored objects in the database
DBA_TABLESPACES Description of all tablespaces
DBA_TAB_PRIVS All grants on objects in the database
DBA_TRIGGERS All triggers in the database
DBA_TS_QUOTAS Tablespace quotas for all users
DBA_USERS Information about all users of the database
DBA_VIEWS Description of all views in the database
DICTIONARY Description of data dictionary tables and views
DICT_COLUMNS Description of columns in data dictionary tables and views
GLOBAL_NAME global database name
NLS_DATABASE_PARAMETERS Permanent NLS parameters of the database
NLS_INSTANCE_PARAMETERS NLS parameters of the instance
NLS_SESSION_PARAMETERS NLS parameters of the user session
PRODUCT_COMPONENT_VERSION version and status information for component products
ROLE_TAB_PRIVS Table privileges granted to roles
SESSION_PRIVS Privileges which the user currently has set
SESSION_ROLES Roles which the user currently has enabled.
SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE_MAP Description table for privilege type codes. Maps privilege type numbers to type names
TABLE_PRIVILEGES Grants on objects for which the user is the grantor, grantee, owner, or an enabled role or PUBLIC is the grantee
TABLE_PRIVILEGE_MAP Description table for privilege (auditing option) type codes. Maps privilege (auditing option) type numbers to type names


Download the list here: ORACLE_SYS_TABLES

2 thoughts on “Oracle/PLSQL: Oracle System Tables & default Oracle schemas”

  1. The credentials for accessing the database are generally SYSTEM/ you entered while installation.

    This is actually incorrect & not recommended. SYSTEM schema is meant more as an adminstrative schema & not recommended to be used by most people.

    On other words, never, *ever* use SYSTEM/password to login & start workig!

    Oracle comes with 2 sample schemas – scott & hr which can be used for dipping into Oracle & PL/SQL.

    Also, most of the DBA_ and ALL_ tables have a USER_ equivalent, which can be used to query the objects owned by the current user as I’ve mentioned here:

    Finally, the “Download list here” link is broken.

    1. Updated the post. Thanks for the suggestions.
      And yes, by default it was SYSTEM schema that installer shows, though i agree with you it is not a recommended one.

      Fixed the Download list here link as well.

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